Boston Architectural College Alters Messaging Instantly with Soofa Digital Advertising Screens

Boston Architectural College Ad messaging on Soofa Sign

The Boston Architectural College (BAC) is New England’s largest private college of spatial design, offering both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architecture, interior architecture, landscape architecture, as well as  design studies and continuing education. The College is constantly raising awareness for its many programs, getting in front of both students and young professionals looking to further their education or pursue a new and creative career path. 

The BAC advertises with Soofa in nine neighborhoods and satellite cities across the greater Boston area to share students’ stories and promote its virtual Spring 2020 open houses.

They use Soofa’s unique digital platform to craft real-time, hyper-local messages tailored to each neighborhood.

“Soofa’s platform allows our team to easily update creative anytime, which is so important as our messaging changes throughout the year. Monitoring impressions in real-time gives us assurance people are seeing and engaging with our content.”

- Nancy Finn, Director of Marketing and Communications

To better inform the campaign, the Soofa team conducted field testing to gain insights about the effectiveness of the BAC’s content.

By speaking to real people who were seeing the ads while they were out and about, the team learned that individuals responded positively to the brand positioning of pursuing a creative design profession, and recommended to increase the size of dates for open houses to improve legibility. The BAC team immediately sprang to action to update their creative based on real-time feedback!

BAC Altered Creative Ad campaign for different audience

More recently, the team quickly pivoted creative again to reflect their move to a virtual spring curriculum to keep their students healthy and safe.

Within a day of announcing the change, the team replaced creative with an opportunity for individuals to RSVP for a virtual Open House!

Because Soofa measures and delivers campaigns based on real-time pedestrian foot traffic measurement, the Boston Architectural College can be sure its messaging is still being seen, even as people change their daily traffic patterns.

Despite unexpected changes in ways the College operates, Boston Architectural College quickly and successfully gets its new messaging in front of the public.