More Community Content is Coming to Soofa Signs

Soofa Sign landowners can now receive content submissions from their community members. With this new feature, Soofa Signs will become a better platform for locals to share events, general messages, classifieds, and more.


By approving submitted content, landowners can drastically increase their Soofa Sign engagement and display more hyperlocal information. Additionally, landowners can provide more value to their community with this new feature, and get more eyes on their Soofa Signs than ever before.

While all submitted content must be individually approved by Soofa Sign landowners, the option to disable this feature can be done on the Soofa Talk dashboard.


When a user signs up, they select the area they live or operate in and then submit content to the landowner of that area for review. If approved, that content will then show up on the signs in that area.

There are currently two types of content locals can submit:

Posts: A post is an image that gets displayed in a new widget called "Community”. This widget cycles through any user-submitted content similar to the Local Updates widget.

Events: The user's submitted event gets displayed just like any other event from the landowners existing event sources in the events widget.

Two important aspects of community content are that a user can only select one neighborhood, and a user can only ever have one post and one event active at any given time.

Every individual post and event must be approved by the landowner of that neighborhood before it appears on a sign. Additionally, Soofa can deny a campaign for any reason (not locally relevant, not a small/local business, etc).

To learn more about bringing community content to your neighborhoods, fill out our landowner interest form.