Soofa Signs Help Get Out the Vote Before the 2020 Election

With a presidential election in less than two weeks, staying on top of all the details necessary to cast your vote is critical. In the days leading up to the election, Soofa Signs are dedicated to displaying relevant election information for constituents in the Greater Boston and Atlanta areas. 

More Americans than ever before will be voting by mail this year.

Over two thirds of adults favor allowing any voter to vote by mail if they want to, and states have drastically increased access to absentee ballots during the pandemic.

Election takeover on the Soofa Sign in 2020

With such a change from normal Election-Day procedure, Soofa is posting voter registration deadlines, early voting dates, and easy ways to check your voter registration on the spot.

Interspersed with election logistics are facts about the history of voting in the United States, as well as turnout data from the 2016 election - reminding passersby that nearly 40% of Americans did not vote in 2016. The Signs also list out ways that citizens can get further involved in the voting process, like making sure your friends have a voting plan or volunteering to phone bank.  

To heighten the accessibility of this information, we have translated voting information into multiple languages to ensure that language is not a barrier for eligible voters to stay up -to-date on important dates and deadlines and get their votes in on time. 

Election takeover on the Soofa Sign in 2020

Our “Election Takeover” format adjusts the screen display to dedicate 75% of space to election information. We’ve also designed a unique election content block whose branding quickly indicates to passersby that civic information is on display. 

Based on foot traffic trends revealing a steady increase in pedestrian activity since March, there is no better way to communicate election information than right where people are spending most of their time–in their own neighborhoods. Soofa Signs are strategically placed in areas where people live, work, and play, ensuring that election updates are available to passersby in all types of spaces. 

Our adaptable platform allows us to tailor information to specific cities, neighborhoods, precincts, and even street corners - letting passersby locate their nearest polling place or elections office.

If your city could benefit from this hyperlocal communication tool, get in touch –and don’t forget to vote!