Soofa Polling: Connection You Can See

For our city and advertiser partners, the goal is connectivity. Soofa Signs make connections possible by offering unique locations, instant messaging updates, as well as our polling widget option. 

How Soofa’s Polling Feature Works 

All Soofa Signs are equipped with a polling feature that allows cities and advertisers to post custom questions and see responses in real time through our online platform Soofa Talk. Chosen responses are then displayed on the sign for other passersby to see and engage with. 

The Soofa polling feature allows for true engagement between advertisers, cities, and their audiences through fun and personalized responses. Not only are Soofa Signs capable of sharing important information, they allow for enjoyable community connection that keep people interested in what's next. 

Soofa neighborhood news feed with opinion poll, weather, and local news updates

Engaging with Community Through Polls

For October, a popular poll on Soofa Signs is, “What are you dressing up as for Halloween?” The point of lighthearted questions like these is to see how many people are engaging with the sign, and to offer the opportunity for people to connect with their community in an interesting way. 

For cities, polling on a Soofa Sign could be used to inform urban planning and city spending. For example, if a city posted the question, “Would you and your family use a playground near here?” then whatever responses they get could help urban planners decide on different projects to benefit the community. 

Polls can also be used to boost civic engagement for cities. If there's an event or volunteer opportunity going on, they can poll people asking if they’ll be in attendance or if they signed up to help out. In addition to promoting local events on the neighborhood newsfeed, cities can also bring attention to local happenings and get direct feedback with the polls.


Polling For Advertisers

Additionally, Soofa Sign polls can be used to help inform what kinds of advertisements would work well for the area. Cities could ask questions like, “What’s your favorite small business in the area?”, or “What organizations would you like to see on this sign?” 

Based on the responses from this kind of poll, Soofa can then reach out to those small businesses and organizations to share their messages on the signs. 

The polling feature benefits cities, as well as advertisers in connecting with their audiences. For example, brands can use the polling feature to get feedback on their campaign. They could post questions like, “Did our static vinyl catch your attention?”, or “What other images would make you look at this sign?” 

Again, based on the feedback the polls receive, advertisers can plan for new campaigns that would give them a higher chance of connecting with their intended audiences. 


Overall, Soofa polls aid in our goal to have a smart, social, and sustainable platform that provides multiple ways to stay connected with audiences that matters most. 

Check out the polling feature today by making the switch to sustainable Soofa Signs. Click the link below or email to get started. 


Ally Peters

Ally is a Content Marketing Specialist at Soofa and spends her days researching and reporting on current trends in smart city infrastructure and OOH media.