Soofa Launches Engagement Layout to Tailor Neighborhood Interaction

Based on tons of community feedback and input from pedestrians walking by our Signs, we've redesigned the Soofa Sign digital layout to improve overall engagement.

From our primary user surveys and observations, people walking by love seeing local business updates and news, hyper-local community content, and helpful information like weather and real-time transit. This type of information creates a habit for people to look at the Signs again and again, since there is always new information.

Signs are now customized by neighborhood, to show content that the community will be most interested in. 

New Digital Layout on Soofa Sign Newsfeed in Brookline

Opinion: The ‘Opinion’ (or ‘Polling’) applet presents a new opportunity for passersby to directly engage with the community. When someone walks by a Soofa Sign with an Opinion section, they’re more likely to dwell with the Sign, either to add their voice to the neighborhood news feed, or read what their neighbors have to say. In its beta roll-out, the Polling applet generated over 25 organic responses. This block provides an opportunity for advertisers as well as cities and landowners to learn more about the communities they care about.

What’s Open?:  Based on survey data, we found that people are particularly interested in seeing local business updates on their Soofa Signs. We designed a custom applet showing relevant local businesses news in the neighborhood, whether it’s who is delivering and offering takeout or what restaurants are open to outdoor dining.

Soofa Sign and Blue Vinyl design on the sidewalk in Brookline

Transit: Regularly updated public transit information is available at all Sign locations near bus, train, or subway stops. Communicating vital commuter information when people need it most!

Virtual Events: In the past, Soofa Signs have shown relevant events that were happening within a one-mile radius of the Signs. Since social distancing guidelines have been in place, we expanded the ‘Events’ applet to include virtual events! Whether it is a local get-together or a citywide virtual event, Soofa Signs give communities the chance to expand their social horizons.

Close up of Soofa Sign Newsfeed

By customizing the screen design, Signs are becoming more engaging for communities, which makes them more valuable to our advertising and sponsorship partners.

Jack’s Abby Brewing recently successfully tested engagement with ads on Soofa Signs running the new neighborhood news feed layout.

The transformations won’t stop here: Keep an eye out for continued customization on Soofa Signs in your city

To learn more about advertising with Soofa, click here.