Candlewick Press Used Soofa Signs to Gain Attention from Local Bookstore Shoppers

Candlewick Press is a publishing company based out of Somerville, MA. They publish hardcover and paperback books for children of all ages, and are committed to the authors, illustrators, and readers who love the books.

Candlewick Press partnered with Soofa in Q4 2022 to bring their static ad campaign to parts of Boston. We spoke to Susan Batcheller, Executive Director of Sales Operations at Candlewick Press to learn more about their campaign and how they measured success.



Candlewick Press was looking to expand their brand reach to bookstores carrying their published titles. Their main campaign goal was to grab people’s attention before they entered the bookstore, in hopes they would remember Candlewick Press and purchase their books. Also, they wanted to expand their brand recognition to a wider and more relevant audience.


The publishing company partnered with Soofa in September 2022 to start the campaign. They selected a sign right outside Brookline Booksmith in Brookline, MA, along with two Soofa Signs located at Faneuil Hall in Downtown Boston.

For their campaign, they created a Where’s Waldo book design. Waldo’s signature red and white stripes wrapped around the Soofa Signs with static vinyl, and made a bold impression with residents and tourists. The Where’s Waldo books are creative and engaging, so having a recognizable design like that proved to be an impactful way for Candlewick Press to catch people’s attention.



Candlewick Press’ static campaign lasted from September to the end of December, and landed them an estimated 1,800,000 total impressions as measured by the online platform, Geopath.

When asked how people internally and externally reacted to the campaign, Susan Batcheller mentioned that, “Brookline Booksmith appreciated it when we ran title specific ads on the sign near the store. Our sales department appreciated that, too, but for the Where’s Waldo campaign, staff saw it and got a kick out of it.”

“We sent photos of it to Martin Hanford, the author and illustrator of the book. Some people sent us positive messages on social media, as well. So it was a good mix of feedback across the board. Also, I think the creative was very striking without knocking people over the head with a, ‘go buy a book’ kind of a thing.”

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Written by: Ally Peters

Ally is a Content Marketing Specialist at Soofa and spends her days researching and reporting on current trends in smart city infrastructure and OOH media.