Soofa Joins Transit Tech Conversation at MOVE America

On September 27th and 28th 2022, City Growth account executives Billy Holcomb, Kate Sullivan, and Daniel West Cohen exhibited at the MOVE America conference in Austin, Texas. This was the first conference Soofa has attended since 2019, so having our team in person was a valuable way to share Soofa’s mission with transit industry leaders. 

three people standing by a table side by side. Soofa banner in the background.

Pictured left to right: Billy Holcomb, Kate Sullivan, Daniel West Cohen


MOVE is a mobility-focused event that highlights the challenges and solutions for private and public transportation. The conference included sustainable startups from all over the U.S, and allowed them to interact with other tech solution companies and city representatives. Soofa was a silver sponsor of the event, along with other brands like Park Mobile, Kaluza, and Finn. 

Sullivan, Holcomb, and Cohen spent time at the conference meeting with transit authority representatives and giving attendees insight into what Soofa Signs are capable of

Five people standing at the Soofa conference booth. Billy and Dan talking to potential customers.

Soofa’s solar stands out

Cohen mentioned that, “What really set Soofa apart from many other companies at MOVE was our focus on solar power. While many companies had a tilt towards sustainable tech, Soofa was one of the only companies making use of solar power in the transit space.”

Soofa has worked with city partners in the past to integrate transit updates into our solar powered Sign displays. For example, Miami, Florida and Albany, New York use Soofa Signs to share transit information and other news in real time with pedestrians. Our sustainable Signs allow cities to place messaging wherever they need, since sign installation is simple and flexible. 

Cohen was also included on a panel during the conference, which increased Soofa’s visibility and connected us with potential partners. Sullivan shared that Cohen, “spoke thoughtfully about the future of data technology in creating more sustainable and safe cities, while also providing the crowd with some great insights.”

Three people sitting on a conference stage. One sign that says MOVE America and one that says Smart Cities

Moving forward into 2023, Soofa plans to attend and speak at more roadshows since in person gatherings are so valuable. Also, given that our remote team is located all over the country, we have the opportunity to attend important events and have in-person meet ups wherever necessary. 

In summary, Sullivan noted that, “MOVE America really kicked off our hunger to meet face to face with the people that matter most, and bring Soofa to more communities across the country!”

Interested in bringing Soofa Signs to your city? Check out this one pager or email to get started.