3 Ways Soofa Signs Can Benefit Personal Injury Lawyers

One industry that consistently takes advantage of OOH advertising is law. You’ve probably seen it before: you’re on the highway and you suddenly see a large billboard with the smiling face of a personal injury lawyer offering their services. But ever wonder why it’s common for attorneys to advertise so much?

Well, it's important for attorneys to build their client relationships even before they meet. Through advertising, law firms must convince potential clients that they are reliable, trustworthy, and passionate about their cases. 

This can be a lot to accomplish in one ad, so it’s vital that law firms take the best approach to connect with more clients. Though billboards are the most common form of out of home advertising law firms use, there's a better and sustainable option out there: solar powered Soofa Signs.

Here’s why Soofa Signs can yield positive results for personal injury attorneys. 

soofa sign with personal injury lawyer ad on it "have you been injured? we're here to help"

Vinyl Wraps

Soofa Signs offer static vinyl wraps for our advertising partners, which allows them to use bold, colorful designs to attract the attention of their target audience. For personal injury law firms, their vinyl design could include the face of an attorney, the law firm name or contact information in eye-catching print. 

The right design could make a huge impact on a target audience. Also, wrapping a Soofa Sign is the best way to catch your audience’s attention, since the signs are within a person’s eyesight on the sidewalk when they’re walking or driving by.


Interactive Options 

With Soofa Signs, it’s also easy to get creative with your advertising by including interactive elements. This could include a QR code, website link, or prompting a response to a question. 

A personal injury lawyers' business is to help people through serious life events, so what better way to connect with potential clients than to interact with them through their ad? 

Also, thanks to our online platform Soofa Talk, advertisers can customize their messaging and measure results in real time, which provides more customization opportunities than normal billboards. 

soofa sign in Boston Seaport. On the sign it reads: "these solar panels power this screen" "no wires, no cables, just four bolts"

A Unique Approach 

The obvious difference between billboards and Soofa Signs are that billboards are meant to be seen by a large number of people in cars, whereas Soofa Signs are designed to be seen by hundreds of people walking by. 

Soofa Signs can guarantee high foot traffic in Boston’s most popular neighborhoods, which gives personal injury law firms the best chance of gaining new clients. 

Also, since Soofa Signs can be installed almost anywhere, advertisers can determine what specific audience they want to target, like young professionals in the business district, new families, or retirees. 

Stand out from your competitors and help the planet by switching to Soofa. To learn more, download our media kit or email sales@soofadigital.com