Benefits of OOH Advertising During Large Events

Although out-of-home is one of the oldest advertising mediums, it continues to be impactful for both advertisers and audiences for a number of reasons. OOH media can be effective especially during large events like sports games, concerts, community gatherings, etc. 

Advertisers want their brand messaging to be noticed, so the best way to make sure this happens is by choosing locations and times that guarantee eyes on your ad. What better way to do this than during or around a large outdoor event? Here are some benefits to outdoor advertising around events. 


Higher Foot-Traffic and Engagement Rates

With more people gathered in a city or neighborhood than normal, impressions and foot traffic rates are likely to increase for your ad. More eyes on your brand means the better chances your messaging has of being remembered and interacted with. 

Increased foot traffic also gives you an opportunity to include interactive elements or specific call outs in your ad. For example, if your beer brand wants to have more customers during a music festival, then you could offer a special deal for people with a ticket. Or your brand could congratulate a graduating college class. Overall, there’s a lot of opportunity for your brand to get creative and interact with your larger audience. 

Soofa Signs can be installed almost anywhere, which gives your brand even more opportunity to reach as many people as possible. So when considering foot traffic, sidewalk-placed signs like Soofa are the best option to guarantee maximum attention. 


Advertising Value 

Advertising during events is a guaranteed way to see value in your campaigns and your brand. The cost of outdoor advertising is likely to increase during large events, but ROI is likely to increase as well. So by being strategic with where and when you advertise for events, the cost of putting out the ad will be more valuable than an ordinary day. 

For example, the Boston Marathon attracts around 500,000 spectators each year, which is the largest viewed sporting event in New England. Soofa’s headquarters is in Cambridge, MA, so our signs are all over Greater Boston and on the marathon route. In the months leading up to the Boston Marathon we see an increase in interest for advertising, since businesses know our signs will give their ads better value for the cost.

Target Audience Opportunities 

Depending on the type of event you’re looking to advertise at, each one will have a specific target audience that may fit right into your brand’s goals. With massive events like the Superbowl, anything goes, but smaller scale events bring opportunities to cater to your target demographic directly. If your company is in the sporting industry, then advertising at sporting events or venues has the perfect target audience and place for your campaigns. 

Events will also have varying numbers of people, so even if your brand doesn’t exactly fit into the audience that will attend a certain event, many companies choose to advertise simply because they know that audiences will be larger and more varied.

Overall, out-of-home advertising remains a very effective way to campaign, especially during large events. Even better, Soofa Signs can help your ads stand out, while being environmentally friendly. Does your area have a large event coming up? Soofa Signs are probably close by. 

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Written by: Ally Peters

Ally is a Content Marketing Specialist at Soofa and spends her days researching and reporting on current trends in smart city infrastructure and OOH media.