What Does Hyperlocal Mean for Advertisers?

Advertisers create campaigns for a variety of reasons, and can evaluate their success since there are countless ways to measure ROI (return on investment). For some advertisers, their goal is to get their ad in front of as many people as possible. Whereas others benefit from a hyperlocal approach, targeting a specific audience in a specific location.

Lucky for them, hyperlocal is what Soofa Signs do best. Here’s why. 

Avondale Soofa Sign with transit updates. "Welcome to Festival Fields"

Cities and advertisers alike utilize Soofa Signs to communicate effectively with their communities and target audiences. Hyperlocal advertising with Soofa benefits both these groups by giving them unique high traffic locations, and a custom platform to instantly update messaging. 

In particular, cities typically create campaigns to connect with their community and give them relevant information about city updates or events. For example, some cities like Detroit, Michigan include live transit updates on Soofa Signs that are near bus stops or train stations. By Detroit using this hyperlocal approach, the right people are seeing transit or other information that benefits them most. 


Specific Audience Opportunities

Additionally, our hyperlocal approach to advertising allows partners to choose specific groups of people to put their ad in front of. For example, if a college or university wants to advertise to young people, they would do best if they placed ads near college or high school campuses. 

One brand who used Soofa to target a specific audience is the Museum of Science in Boston. They ran a campaign with Soofa earlier this year encouraging the residents of Lynn, MA to use free museum passes from the local library. The museum created a vibrant and concise design that would catch the eyes of families walking on the sidewalk, and placed their ad on a Soofa Sign directly in front of the library entrance. 

With the help of Soofa, this hyperlocal approach provided the museum the best opportunity to drive traffic to them, and resulted in an increase in Lynn resident attendance. 

Unique, High Traffic Locations

Thanks to Soofa Signs’ flexible and affordable installation process, advertisers can place their messaging in spots other ad platforms can’t go. For example, Soofa Signs can be installed in front of an advertiser’s competitor, on a busy sidewalk, or in an outdoor shopping center.

High traffic locations and neighborhoods like these provide a unique opportunity for advertisers to stand out, and communicate with audiences in places where other ads are not. Therefore, Soofa Signs give their ad a higher chance of being seen for a longer time or with more intention. 


Targeted & Engaging Campaigns

Hyperlocal advertising with Soofa provides rare location opportunities and diverse audience choices, and advertisers can create campaigns with us that will resonate with their specific target group. Therefore, advertisers can create more successful and engaging campaigns by using hyperlocal messaging.

For example, Brookline Bank partnered with Soofa in 2019 to advertise, while also gathering feedback from Brookline residents about their campaigns. They used their own ads and polls to connect with locals, and successfully brought attention to their brand while incorporating feedback from their most valuable audience. 

Do you know a brand that would love our hyperlocal approach to advertising? Fill out our advertiser interest form or get in touch: sales@soofadigital.com


Ally Peters

Ally is a Content Marketing Specialist at Soofa and spends her days researching and reporting on current trends in smart city infrastructure and OOH media.